Example 5: Yearly run

PyIRI can calculate time series of the ionospheric parameters for the user provided array of F10.7. In this configuration PyIRI can be run for up to 1 year. The estimation of the parameters occurs simultaneously at all grid points and for all desired diurnal time frames. The parameters are obtained by linearly interpolating between min and max levels of solar activity, and by interpolation between median monthly values to the day of interest.

  1. Import libraries:

import numpy as np
import PyIRI
import PyIRI.main_library as ml
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm
  1. Read your F10.7 solar index time series and a corresponding time array:

solar_par = pd.read_pickle('your_solar_index.pkl')
F107 = solar_par['F107']
timearray = solar_par.index
  1. Checking if the user input of F10.7 has adequate numbers and exclude bad numbers:

ind_bad = np.where((F107 < 50) | (F107 > 500))[0]
ind_good = np.where((F107 >= 50) & (F107 <= 500))[0]
if ind_bad.size > 0:
     time_cleaned = timearray[ind_good]
     F107_cleaned = F107[ind_good]
     F107[ind_bad] = np.interp(timearray[ind_bad], time_cleaned, F107_cleaned)
  1. Choose one year at a time in all arrays:

year = 2022
a = np.where(solar_par.index.year == year)[0]
F107 = solar_par['F107'][a]
timearray = solar_par.index[a]
  1. Create an array of daily stamps:

at_days = np.arange(datetime(year, 1, 1), datetime(year + 1, 1, 1), timedelta(days=1)).astype(datetime)
  1. Create any horizontal grid (regular or irregular, global or regional). The grid arrays (alon and alat) should be flattened to be 1-D arrays. This is an example of a regular global grid:

dlon = 30
dlat = 30
alon_2d, alat_2d = np.mgrid[-180:180 + dlon:dlon, -90:90 + dlat:dlat]
alon = np.reshape(alon_2d, alon_2d.size)
alat = np.reshape(alat_2d, alat_2d.size)
  1. Create height array. It can be regular or irregular. Here is an example for 1 element array:

aalt = np.array([250])
  1. Create any temporal array expressed in decimal hours (regular or irregular). For this example we use regularly spaced time array:

hr_res = 0.25
ahr = np.arange(0, 24, hr_res)
  1. Create empty dictionaries to store info for 12 months:

NmF2 = np.empty((12, ahr.size, alon.size, 2), dtype=np.float64)
hmF2 = np.empty((12, ahr.size, alon.size, 2), dtype=np.float64)
  1. Specify what coefficients to use for the peak of F2 layer:

    0 = CCIR, 1 = URSI

ccir_or_ursi = 0
  1. Run IRI for the middle of each month:

for imonth in range(0, 12):
    month = imonth + 1
    f2, f1, e_peak, es_peak, sun, mag = ml.IRI_monthly_mean_par(year, month, ahr, alon, alat, PyIRI.coeff_dir, ccir_or_ursi)
    NmF2[imonth, :, :, :] = f2['Nm'][:, :, :]
    hmF2[imonth, :, :, :] = f2['hm'][:, :, :]
  1. Create empty dictionaries to store each day of the year:

NmF2_days = np.zeros((at_days.size, ahr.size, alon.size, 2))
hmF2_days = np.zeros((at_days.size, ahr.size, alon.size, 2))
  1. Interpolate between months:

for i in tqdm(range(0, at_days.size)):
    t_before, t_after, fr1, fr2 = ml.day_of_the_month_corr(at_days[i].year, at_days[i].month, at_days[i].day)
    NmF2_days[i, :, :, :] = NmF2[t_before.month - 1, :, :, :] * fr1 + NmF2[t_after.month - 1, :, :, :] * fr2
    hmF2_days[i, :, :, :] = hmF2[t_before.month - 1, :, :, :] * fr1 + hmF2[t_after.month - 1, :, :, :] * fr2
  1. Reshape to combine day and time into one dimension:

NmF2_days = np.reshape(NmF2_days, (at_days.size * ahr.size, alon.size, 2))
hmF2_days = np.reshape(hmF2_days, (at_days.size * ahr.size, alon.size, 2))
  1. Interpolate in solar index:

F107_new = np.full((alon.size, F107.size), F107, order='F')
F_key = np.swapaxes(NmF2_days, 0, 2)
NmF2_solar = ml.solar_interpolate(F_key[0, :], F_key[1, :], F107_new)
NmF2_solar = np.swapaxes(NmF2_solar, 0, 1)

F_key = np.swapaxes(hmF2_days, 0, 2)
hmF2_solar = ml.solar_interpolate(F_key[0, :], F_key[1, :], F107_new)
hmF2_solar = np.swapaxes(hmF2_solar, 0, 1)
  1. Plot NmF2 result for one location:

t1 = 0
t2 = timearray.size
iloc = 90
F107_min = ml.IG12_2_F107(0)
F107_max = ml.IG12_2_F107(100)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1)
fig.set_size_inches(10, 6)

ax_plot = ax[0]
ax_plot.plot(timearray[t1: t2], np.zeros((timearray[t1: t2].size)) + F107_min, linewidth=1, c='blue', label='Model Min')
ax_plot.plot(timearray[t1: t2], np.zeros((timearray[t1: t2].size)) + F107_max, linewidth=1, c='red', label='Model Max')
ax_plot.plot(timearray[t1: t2], F107[t1: t2], linewidth=1, c='green', label='User Input')
ax_plot.legend(loc='upper left', prop={'size': 10})

ax_plot = ax[1]
ax_plot.plot(timearray[t1: t2], NmF2_days[t1: t2, iloc, 0], linewidth=1, label='Model Min', c='blue')
ax_plot.plot(timearray[t1: t2], NmF2_days[t1: t2, iloc, 1], linewidth=1, label='Model Max', c='red')
ax_plot.plot(timearray[t1: t2], NmF2_solar[t1: t2, iloc], linewidth=1, label='Output', c='green')
ax_plot.legend(loc='upper left', prop={'size': 10})
Yearly NmF2 at one location.